Monday, 6 September 2010

Third 5km Race Down... Nine To Go...

I'm writing this as my body is aching from pains from yesterday's 5km race. Good news is it was worth the pain because I've notched up my best ever 5km time now, beating the last record by OVER THREE MINUTES!!! I managed to complete yesterday's race in 27 minutes and 11 seconds! Brilliant!!!

Here's the progress so far:

July 5km - 34.02
August 5km - 30.22
September 5km - 27.11

It's really encouraging to see the figures going down. I know there's a drastic decrease from race to race, I'm sure that gap will get smaller as we go along, but I'm totally over the moon about this latest result. Break the 25 minute barrier for the next race in October? Let's not jump the gun yet, we'll wait and see.

This was a charity fun run rather than a race like the last competition I was involved in. There were lots of different abilities here. I made the usual mistake again that I did last time too. After 1km, I looked around for someone who was running at a similar pace to me and stuck with him, but at around 3km I thought I'd leave him behind. By about 4.5km, I was flagging and he just jogged right by me and finished before me. I really need to learn to keep a reasonable pace for 4km and then really up the intensity as best I can for the final km. I had a nice sprint finish though.

Even though I'm doing the 10km obstacle course in October, I've booked myself in for a 5km run in October too, even though I said I wouldn't because of the obstacle course. Sod it, I've booked it now. In fact, I've booked the next three races until December. That'll be six by then, half way there.

Surely I should be under 25 minutes by then?

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